Ecstasy Side Effects And Legal Ecstasy Alternatives

Here are just some of the ecstasy effects that you will experience when taking ecstasy pills. Keep in mind that ecstasy might be dangerous if taken in large doses and for a longer period of time. Always buy ecstasy from well known sources and refuse ecstasy kinds that you're not familiar with.

Effects of ecstasy:

  1. Ego softening
  2. Extreme mood lift
  3. Neurotically based fear dissolution
  4. Feelings of love and empathy
  5. Forgiveness
  6. Increased awareness & appreciation of music
  7. Sensations bright and intense
  8. Urge to hug and kiss people
  9. Increased awareness of senses
  10. Increased willingness to communicate
  11. Increase in energy
  12. Feelings of comfort, belonging, and closeness to others
  13. Profound life-changing spiritual experiences

Remember that different kinds of ecstasy pills come with different ecstasy side effects as well. If you're not confident with some ecstasy try other legal ecstasy alternatives with no side effects.